Details of SPIOSubject dealt with the SPIODetails of Appellate Authority
Smt Reena O
Under Secretary
Ph. No. 8306
A1:Establishment matters relating to aided pre-primary teaches
(Thiruvanathapuram and Pathanamthitta).
Aided LPST (Including HM) (Thiruvanathapuram and Pathanamthitta).
Aided UPST (Thiruvanathapuram) (Including HM)
Aided Lab Assistant (Thiruvanathapuram and Pathanamthitta) ,Section Miscellaneous

A2: Establishment matters relating to Aided TTI (TVM and PTA), Aided HSTSubject and Language) (Thiruvanathapuram and Pathanamthitta),
Aided HSST Junior (Thiruvanathapuram and Pathanamthitta) .

A3: Establishment matters relating to Aided HSST (Thiruvanathapuram and
Pathanamthitta), Establishment matters Aided VHSE (Thiruvanathapuram &
Pathanamthitta), Aided HM and Principal (Thiruvanathapuram and
Pathanamthitta), Aided UPST (Pathanamthitta)

A4: Establishment matters relating to Aided Higher Secondary Ernakulam,
Malappuram and. Kottayam Districts
1).Smt.Meenambika M.I.
Joint Secretary,Contact No.8358,email

2).Smt.Geetha Gopinath,Deputy Secretary,Contact No.8459,email