The State Institute of Educational Management and Training – Kerala (SIEMAT-Kerala) is an autonomous institution established in 2005 under the Department of General Education to function as a centre of excellence in educational planning and administration in tune with the National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA). SIEMAT-Kerala was registered as a society under the Travancore – Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act XII of 1995 on 30.03.2004 with Register No. T-1319. SIEMAT Kerala was established to impart comprehensive management training for the officers of managerial level in education sector, to take up experimental and innovative programmes in education, to undertake and to promote research and studies related to educational planning and management and to secure active involvement and participation of all educational institutions of the state. Over the years SIEMAT-Kerala has also made a mark with its involvement in micro level planning activities, conducting impact studies and research activities and preparing handbooks and other documents. SIEMAT-Kerala is in the path of emerging as a role model institution in dealing with all aspects of educational management and training by accomplishing its objectives.
The main beneficiaries of the training programmes are
- Heads of LP/UP Schools
- Heads of High Schools
- Principals of Higher Secondary Schools
- Principals of Vocational Higher Secondary Schools
- Assistant Education Officers
- District Education Officers
- Deputy Directors of Education
- Regional Deputy Director of Higher Secondary Education
- Assistant Directors & Deputy Directors of Vocation Higher Secondary Education
- Parents of the disabled students
- DIET Principals & Faculty
- Administration staff in supervising cadres
- Members of Local Self Government
- All other academic, administrative and social leaders in the educational sector
- Other officers in the educational sector directed by Government
In order to empower the stake holders for managing their institutions more effectively, the conventional system of training has been restructured by introducing two modified modes of training viz. Capacity Enhancement Programme and Leadership Enhancement Programme.
LEP is aimed at enhancing the skills of the stake holders and developing their leadership qualities. Heads of LP/UP/High Schools, HSS, VHSE, Special Schools and Educational Officers like DDES, DIET Principals, DEOs, AEOs, and BPOs are the main beneficiaries of LEP.
The main objective of CEP is to enhance the capacity of the Career Masters and Heads of other educational institutions to deal with the problems of teenagers and to enhance their skills in communication, crisis management, problem solving and decision making.
Govt: Central High School Campus,
Attakulangara.P.O,East Fort,
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala-695036,
Ph: 0471-2461169, 2460343