Kerala Education Act & RulesTHE KERALA EDUCATION ACT, 1958 and THE KERALA EDUCATION RULES, 1959 Fourth Edition (Embodying corrections upto 31st December 2010)*Preface*The Kerala Education ActKerala Education RulesChaptersIPreliminaryIIClassification of SchoolsIIIManagement of Private SchoolsIVEstablishment & maintenance of schoolsVOpening and Recognition of schoolsVIAdmission, transfer and removal of pupilsVIIAttendance, Holidays and vacationVIIIOrganisation of instruction and progress of pupilsIXDisciplineXProperties of Aided SchoolsXIConduct of Enquiries Regarding Arrears of SalaryXIILevy and Collection of fees in SchoolsXIIIGeneral Rules Relating to the conduct of teachersXIV-AConditions of Service of Aided School TeachersXIV-AAConditions of service of Teaching and Non teaching staff of Recognized unaided SchoolsXIV-BConduct RulesXIV-CConduct RulesXVInspection of SchoolsXVIEducation Advisory BoardXVII Election of members to the Local Educational AuthoritiesXVIIIRules for the working of the Local Educational AuthoritiesXIXConstitution and Functioning of the Local Education CommitteesXXTaking over of schools or acquisition of schoolsschoolsXXIRecruitment of Teacher to Aided Schools XXIITransitional ProvisionXXIIIFixation of strength of Teachers in Departmental and Aided SchoolsXXIV-ANon- teaching staff of Aided SchoolsXXIV-BDo.XXVAdmission to Teachers Training SchoolsXXVIScales of pay of Aided School TeachersXXVII-APension, Provident Fund and Insurance for Aided School TeachersXXVII-BDo.XXVIIIPayment of maintenance grant to Aided schoolsXXIXProvident Fund for Aided School TeachersXXXKerala Aided School Employees’ Provident FundXXXIQualifications of Private School TeachersXXXIIMethod of appointment and qualification of Teachers and Non Teaching staff in aided Higher Secondary Schools*FORMS*INDEX